This post has many topics. As always I like to share my currently used fountain pens in the time frame since my last share, how I paired them with inks, and even the content of my journaling and life. This lets me personally reflect and expound on those ideas I am feeling led to share. This one once again revolves around my personal escape from a controlling abusive relationship and my life moving forward. I have more to come on this topic moving forward. Not to further rehash my own past but to add a capping piece on how to get out. There are so many aspects it is nearly overwhelming at times to think about.

As always I encourage anyone who finds themselves in such a situation to reach out to both the national abuse hotlines first, and friends and family that are there waiting for you. My next drop will go into this in much greater detail.

Happy Year of the Dragon and wrapping up January,

Matt and the Gilded Bucket

Matthew Owen

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