This is the Feather and Inkwell fountain pen review of the Moonman P136. It is a super smooth and flowing fountain pen. All available nibs are tuned to a super smooth perfection. The EF writes a little on the dry side. However, a fully inked EF will likely write beautifully. The vertically oriented ink windows give an excellent view of how much of its massive ink capacity remains. The grip is light and soft. This pen and any of its nibs glide easily across most pages. The Fine nib performed wonderfully at full flow capability and darkness of ink. The medium nib is my favorite, super smooth and very juicy flowy. My current and next choice available is the 1.1 stub. Even smoother than expected, the stub is so smooth and offers effortless line variation. Be prepared to run through ink as it lays down more and is twice as fun to write with. This is a juicy writer, FP friendly stationary is recommended.

Matthew Owen

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